Charlie Bayne Travel Trust

What support you can get

This fund can cover extra disability-related costs for students travelling in the UK or aboard. Examples include travel expenses, for you or a carer, or indirect costs such as equipment. The fund is open to students with physical disabilities and sensory impairments. Disabled students who are wheelchair users should be the principal beneficiaries.

This fund does not normally cover costs for travel between Cambridge and the student's or carer's home.

Who is eligible

You must be:

  • a current undergraduate or postgraduate student at Cambridge or Anglia Ruskin universities
  • able to describe the nature of your disability and how it affects your travel plans
  • able to provide a plan for your trip with estimated costs

The travel described in your application needs have one of these purposes:

  • broadly educational
  • voluntary charitable activities
  • enhancing international understanding

You can apply to this fund in more than one year, even if you have received a grant from it before. Undergraduates can apply for travel in the summer following their graduation.

When to apply

Applications are now open for the 2024 Charlie Bayne Travel Trust. The closing date for applications is Tuesday 14th May 2024 at 5pm.

How to apply

Complete the application form and send it:

  • by email to
  • by post or in-person to Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre, Student Services Centre, Bene't Street, Cambridge, CB2 3PT

You may include a covering letter with anything else you feel is relevant that the form does not cover.

The trustees of this fund may invite you to come and discuss your application at the beginning of June 2024.

If you receive a grant, you must provide a report about the travel it supported by 31 October.