Evidence of your diagnosis

You may need to provide evidence of your diagnosis to be able to apply for funding or get support while you study.

What we accept as evidence

Acceptable evidence includes:

  • diagnostic reports, assessments or tests – required if you have specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, or dyscalculia
  • letters from GPs, doctors, consultants or hospitals

All documents should be written in English. If they're in another language they need to be translated into English. 

Diagnostic reports and assessments

The report needs to be a full diagnostic assessment report carried out by:

  • Practitioner Psychologists registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), or
  • specialist teachers holding a Current Practising Certificate in specific learning difficulties (SpLD) Assessment - the report should have the certificate number and issuing body

We can also accept Evaluation of Need assessments carried out in accordance with SASC guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We can accept copies of the JCQ Form 8.

Letters from GPs, doctors, consultants and hospitals

It is preferable that letters are on headed paper and include:

  • health professional's name, job title and address
  • your full name, date of birth, and address
  • date you saw the health professional
  • statement of the diagnosis and date when it was first diagnosed
  • description of how the diagnosis impacts your daily activities, including your studies
  • indication that the condition is long term (lasting more than 12 months) and if it meets the definition of disability under the Equality Act 2010
  • health professional's signature

What to do with your evidence

Scan your report or letter into an accessible format such as a PDF. You can then share the evidence with:

  • Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre, when you first contact us for advice, or you can email it later to disability@admin.cam.ac.uk
  • your College Tutorial Office, if you want to request exam access arrangements
  • Student Finance England or another funding provider, if you're applying for funding

If your evidence does not meet these criteria, please forward any evidence that you have to disability@admin.cam.ac.uk and we will consider it on a case-by-case basis.