Find out how we make recommendations and create Student Support Documents, how to access them and what you need to do when we share it with you.

How to support disabled students
How different conditions, impairments and differences affect students, and how you can support them in the best way:
Disclosing a Disability: Consent form
When a student makes a disclosure to a part of the collegiate University (for example, to their College, or to their Faculty/Department), that body must seek written consent from the student for the information to be shared with the ADRC. Download the Consent form.
Completed forms giving the student's consent to share information should be sent to the ADRC's main inbox,
Working with us

How we talk about disability
We follow the social model of disability to explain disability and encourage inclusivity. Learn more about how we talk about disability.

Get support with software or equipment
We can support you with using software and making accessible teaching materials.

Create an alternative format document
Use SensusAccess to convert your documents into a different format. For example MP3 audio files or an audio book.
Non-Medical Helpers
Find out about Non-Medical Helper roles and how you can support students.
Needs assessors
Read our information for DSA needs assessors.