Exam access arrangements

Exam support is often referred to as Exam Access Arrangements (EAAs). It includes things like getting extra time or rest breaks.

Complete our Student Information Form to let us know if you need exam access arrangements. One of our advisers will get in touch to discuss your options.

Examples of exam access arrangements

Access arrangements include things like:

  • extra time in exams 
  • rest breaks 
  • using a computer in the exam 
  • sitting your exam in a room with a smaller number of students or a separate room 
  • a scribe (or an amanuensis) who is a person that will write your exam answers down  
  • using assistive technology, such as a screen reader, or voice-recognition software 

How to get exam access arrangements

If you're an undergraduate student

  • Complete our online form - we'll then pass our recommendations to your College Tutorial office.
  • College Tutorial Office will apply to the Student Registry for exam arrangements on your behalf.
  • Student Registry will approve your exam access arrangements.

You can find out more about undergraduate exam access arrangements on the Student Registry website.

If you're a postgraduate student

The process works slightly differently. Find out about viva voce adjustments.