Tell us about your disability

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Use this Student Information Form to tell the Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre (ADRC) about:

  • your disability or medical condition - this information can be about a diagnosed disability or a disability you think you may have
    Check what is covered by the term disability.
  • support you received at school or College
  • adjustments you may need in teaching, learning and exams and accessibility
  • any accessibility requirements

Please provide as many details as you can as it will help us arrange your support.

Examples of documents and evidence you could share with us:

  • diagnostic reports or tests
  • doctor's letter
  • medical report

Check what we accept as evidence.

If you need this form in an alternative format such as Braille, email

Your personal details

Please enter a value for Last name.

Date of birth *

Please select a value for Date of birth.
Please enter a value for Email address.

Please enter a 10 digit value (with no dashes)

Please select a value for Time of entry to course year.
Please select a value for Month and year of entry.

About your disability or impairment

This information can be about a diagnosed disability or a disability you think you may have. Please tick all that apply

Choose how we manage your data

By submitting this form I confirm I have read and agreed to the ADRC confidentiality policy.

About recording lectures, seminars and supervisions

Your department or faculty will let you know if your lectures are recorded. If recordings are made they will be made available to you on Moodle.

Sometimes you may need to make your own recording. If you do need to make your own recordings, you will need to read and sign the recording agreement

Please read the  University of Cambridge lecture, seminar and supervisions recording agreement.*

Your academic-related access requirements

Examples of support you might want to tell us about:

  • Adjustments to examinations
  • Electronic copies of teaching materials
  • Human support e.g. notetaking

Examples of support you might need:

  • Reading lists provided to you in advance
  • Teaching slides, handouts and notes sent to you in advance
  • Reserved seating

Examples of human support you might need:

  • Specialist mentoring 
  • Specialist study skills tuition 
  • Notetakers

Examples of support you might need:

  • Help with taking books out and returning them to the library
  • Getting texts in a digital format 
  • Extended loan periods for books and texts

Examples of support you might need:

  • Help with carrying equipment 
  • Regular rest breaks 
  • Seating with a backrest

Examination Access Arrangements (EAAs)

Please note that specialist evidence is normally required for requests for examination access arrangements. The ADRC makes recommendations based on the evidence you supply. Your College will apply on your behalf. Please be aware that deadlines exist for the submission of this evidence. We advise that you provide this in the first term of the academic year.

Please see the ADRC website for further details and important information about the application process for exam access arrangements: Exam Access Arrangements | Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre (

Tick all that apply


Please detail any access requirements you may have concerning entering, leaving (including fire evacuation), moving within and between University and College buildings and sites, for example, walking long distances, opening doors, going upstairs or crossing uneven surfaces.

Tick all that apply:


Please note that decisions related to accommodation are the responsibility of individual Colleges. If you have any specific accessibility requests related to College accommodation you will need to contact your College directly to discuss this. It is important that you contact your College as soon as possible.

Supporting evidence

Next, please upload your supporting documents and evidence.

File Type

One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png.

If you have any questions, email or phone 01223 332 301. We are open Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm, Fridays 9am to 4pm. We are closed on weekends, national bank holidays and the week between Christmas and new year.